Who says we don't have fun on research days at Sanibel Sea School. However we now know what Hula Hoops are round and light-weight. There is a special challenge to making a 0.5 meter pvc quadrat fly around your waist; and when you fail it is often a little hard on the toes.
Yesterday was our bi-weekly sampling of a small bivalve mollusk, Donax, also called coquina. At Sanibel Sea School, we monitor empty Donax shells to help better understand the population health.
And after counting tiny little shells on the beach, most of us have some extra energy that we just have to get out of our systems. Energy, creativity and pvc quadrats makes the perfect combination for quadrat hula hooping. And, who says hard science can't be fun?
Later that day, we took a hike on the Bailey tract and were luck enough to find three alligators along with countless other creatues.