Friday, September 29, 2006

Time Flies

"Another day in paradise" is a popular expression for the consistency of island life. In tropic and subtropical environments, time progresses but seasonal transitions aren't always so obvious. Sure, at some point it is cold here in SW Florida, the days get shorter and the rains taper off, but those crisp chilly mornings that remind so many folks of the waning of summer are not a part of our transition. Here on Sanibel, we are reminded of the passage of time by the composition of our birds. Wading birds aggregate in shallows, and small confusing warblers flock to our mangrove trees. In the photo above, an endangered Wood Stork arrives to the flats of Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge as Double-Crested Cormorants take a break on an exposed bar. Not a bad deal, marking the passage of seasons by the 'bird calendar'; of course if you're not watching birds, watching the Gators on Saturday afternoons might just remind you that somewhere the mornings are crisp and the leaves are turning colors.

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